Sample Lesson Plans - Advanced Studies Fall 2014
Lesson Plan #1
Course: Community English Program (CEP) Level: Advanced Studies Duration: 2 hours
Theme: New York City Neighborhoods
To discuss and analyze language from chapter one from A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
To introduce students to an aspect of NYC history: Lower East Side tenements
To practice reading, listening, and speaking while learning about NYC neighborhoods and gentrification
Objectives: Students Will Be Able To…
1. Recall and deepen understanding of chapter one from A Visit From the Goon Squad by writing questions and answering questions from classmates
2. Practice skimming and scanning while reading a History Channel text about NYC's Lower East Side tenements
3. Listen to a New York Times narrative about gentrification in Manhattan and analyze authentic vocabulary and grammar
4. Write and perform their own version of a news narrative in pairs, using the New York Times piece as a model
Lesson Plan #2
Course: Community English Program (CEP) Level: Advanced Studies Duration: 2 hours
Theme: 21st Century Technology and Entertainment
To get to know their classmates
To practice persuasive speaking and debate strategies
To practice describing charts and graphs in writing and speaking
Objectives: Students Will Be Able To…
1. Get to know their classmates by writing questions and answering classmates’ questions from the “question box”
2. Practice persuasive speaking strategies by participating in a debate about Apple and U2’s recent troubles
3. Describe graphs and charts using formal academic & professional language through a collaborative writing exercise and by preparing and giving mini speeches
Lesson Plan #3
Course: Community English Program (CEP) Level: Advanced Studies Duration: 2 hours
Theme: Wanderlust
To introduce Unit 3: Wanderlust
To practice providing written peer feedback
To introduce students to podcasts and how to use them to improve listening skills
To review and discuss chapter 4 from A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
Objectives: Students Will Be Able To…
1. Practice speaking, review material from last week, and preview Unit 3 by doing line interviews
2. Write a short essay related to the Unit 3 theme of “Wanderlust” and provide peer feedback
3. Practice extensive listening strategies and learn about podcasts by listening to an excerpt from Planet Money
4. Review and discuss major themes from chapter 4 of A Visit From the Goon Squad by drawing a story map in pairs
Lesson Plan #4
Course: Community English Program (CEP) Level: Advanced Studies Duration: 2 hours
Theme: Image
To practice inferencing unknown vocabulary and meaning in authentic texts
To introduce students to the concept of TAPS and practice using it in their own writing
To practice public speaking and providing peer feedback in speaking and writing
To preview chapter 8 in A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
Objectives: Students Will Be Able To…
1. Create questions and answer peers’ questions using context clues from A Visit From the Goon Squad
2. Identify TAPS (topic, audience, purpose, style) in writing using real-world examples from their work or school
3. Provide effective written and oral peer feedback on real-world examples of their own writing using peer conferencing and peer feedback worksheets
4. Practice public speaking and providing peer feedback by giving a short speech about a TedTalk they chose
5. Use a graphic organizer to make predictions about chapter 8 in A Visit From the Goon Squad